🎉 We’ve secured €2.25 million in late-seed funding to propel our brand marketing vision! 🥂

Unlock the Secrets of Brand Mastery

Get your FREE brand tracking canvas now!

Are you a marketer or brand manager grappling with the complexities of measuring your brand’s strength? We’ve got just the tool for you!

Introducing our comprehensive, easy-to-use ‘Brand Tracking Canvas’ – and it’s free!

Why you need this canvas:

  • Smart monitoring: Discover key metrics to track for your brand, tailored to its size.
  • Competitive edge: Keep track of which competitors you should be focusing on.
  • Collaborative tool: Share the canvas with your team to maintain a unified brand strategy.

What you'll discover:

  • Instantly identify where your brand stands in the market.
  • The most effective metrics for brand tracking.
  • How to adjust your strategy based on your brand’s size.

Ready to elevate your brand? Simply fill out the form below, and we’ll deliver this game-changing canvas straight to your inbox. For free!

Guess what! Brand tracking is now more affordable than ever.

Our budget-friendly tool is here to provide even the smallest of brands with brilliant data!

Book a demo

Let’s start a discussion on how ad testing & brand tracking
can be your advantage over the competition.

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Porovnali jsme dvě známé značky Alza a Mall pomocí tradičního dotazníku. Potom jsme použili náš výzkum podvědomí. Víte jaký byl rozdíl ve výsledku?