Brand tracking & ad testing for beers and beverages.

Make the best marketing decisions with our brilliant & budget-friendly consumer insights.

Brand tracking & ad testing for beers and beverages

Trusted by brilliant beverage brands


Brilliant for growth

The perfect mix of metrics that will help you grow. Including modern behavioral methods.



A fraction of the cost of traditional brand research, thanks to automation.


Beverage experts

We’re passionate experts in brand building and research in the beverage industry.

Finally. Every beer & beverage marketer can easily get the clear picture of their market.

Track your market performance with Brand Tracking.

Brand tracking

Track your market and brand growth.

Measure the size and growth of your drink category. Track your brand’s performance, understand your conversion from awareness to purchase, and prove the value of brand marketing to the board.

Market Size

Brand Awareness

Brand Attributes

Buyer Profiles

Brand Emotion (eNPS)

Customer Quotes

Ad testing

Secure the success of your ads and packagings.

Discover how people react to your creatives. Choose your best performers. Refine details. The very best creatives can drive up to 16x higher profits than the mediocre ones.

Ad testing beverages

Creative Ideas


Key Visuals

Outdoor & Print Ads

Radio Ads

Video / TV ads

Thanks to Behavio, we have a clear picture of our client’s market and can target our communication effectively. The result? We’re growing.

Tomas Prusa

Chief Executive Officer
at AdVinci

Modern beverage leaders love Behavio

Finlandia boosts its marketing effectiveness

Finlandia measures its brand associations and visual brand codes to determine what works best.

Ahmad tea drives profits with better packaging

Ahmad Tea A/B tested gift packagings and discovered a variant that people are willing to pay 3x more for.

Heineken launches a successful limited edition.

Heineken A/B tested concepts of a limited edition for its local artisan beer brand.

Big Shock doubles its campaign impact

The energy drink brand A/B tested its 3 TV spots and decided not to air the worst one.
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95% of consumer decisions are subconscious. That‘s why…

Behavio runs on advanced behavioral science


Brand–Need–Emotion Test

Based on recent marketing science, we analyze all 3 key ingredients of an effective advertising in great detail.


Randomized control
trials (RCT)

Each creative is tested using 
a unique 500+ respondent sample to deliver accurate and valuable insights.


Implicit Association

Based on neuroscience research, this method uncovers subconscious associations to your brand.

Beer is where we come from!

Founded in Budweis, based in Prague, we’ve been tracking brands all around the world from Brazil to Philippines.

Our 2022:

1.716 brands

5.4M answers

286K+ respondents surveyed

42 friendly & smart
team members

Beer is where we come from.

It’s great to see behavioral science so practically applied to brand building and campaign improvement.

Jaroslav Malina

Chief Communications Officer

Logo Publicis Groupe

Join this brilliant company

Start boosting your brand today.

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can be your advantage over the competition.

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Porovnali jsme dvě známé značky Alza a Mall pomocí tradičního dotazníku. Potom jsme použili náš výzkum podvědomí. Víte jaký byl rozdíl ve výsledku?