How Behavio Tracks Brands in the EU

Make no mistake – just because our brand tracking is stunningly simple and easy to use doesn’t mean it’s pulling data points out of thin air. An entire robust process is happening under the hood and behind the scenes to ensure the data you work with is always top-notch. Here’s how we gather it.

Behavio can track your brand across Europe and beyond.

Tracking a brand’s performance can be quite challenging, especially if you’re keeping an eye on multiple countries. 

Trust us, brand hero, we’ve been there.

You spread yourself thin across different solutions for each market, wondering why you’re forced to work with four different tools with fifty confusing metrics.

We decided enough was enough, so we forged a straightforward solution.

This single brand-tracking tool monitors your brand’s health across different markets and even lets you track multiple brands. And don’t worry, we make sure all the gathered data is still exquisite.

When the first numbers start coming in and insights emerge, it all may spur more questions than answers:

  • Is this data accurate and representative of diverse regions? 
  • What metrics and KPIs should we focus on to gain meaningful insights? 
  • And where does it all even come from? 

These questions, my friend, are completely valid.

The Brand Tracking Process:

Tracking brands across the EU is no small feat but we’ve managed to crack the code. Here’s what the process looks like and how we make sure the data is valid and comparable.

1. We talk to the client and explore the context

First up, if you’re new to brand tracking (welcome!), we chat for a bit. About your brand, the context of your business, and your competitors.

Based on our previous research and your valuable insights, we piece together a wireframe of what’s important to track and which players to keep an eye on. Based on the size of your brand, we recommend which metrics to focus on:

  • Should it be brand awareness?
  • How about salience?
  • And should you care about people’s emotions towards your brand?

We put together the most important brand attributes you’d like to track, who are your category buyers, etc. If you’re not sure, don’t worry – based on our prior research experience, we can help you identify all these things.

2. We look for the most important piece of the puzzle – the respondents.

We need to make certain we can reach respondents in a specific market, so we call up the best in the business.

Ever heard of CINT? They’re one of the world’s biggest consumer networks for digital survey-based research, with millions of engaged respondents in over 130 countries. 

If CINT doesn’t cover a certain area, we quickly find other ways to get the data we need (by contacting other reliable providers).

3. We deploy our secret method. And harmonize it.

We don’t rely on survey declarations – what people say is not what they do. 95% of human decisions are subconscious and we can’t correctly tell our own motivators. That’s why our surveys are a little bit different than most. 

We utilize monadic testing.

Here’s what that looks like, feel free to give it a spin!

Monadic testing means that each participant is exposed to a single stimulus in isolation, rather than comparing multiple options simultaneously. 

It’s like giving someone just one new snack to try and asking for their opinion, without letting them taste any other snacks. It’s a great way to see exactly what people think about something on its own, without comparing it to others.

So, based on your input and this approach, we will construct a survey.

Because we standardize our testing method, the same thing gets measured across all countries. This is important because otherwise, the data wouldn’t be comparable.

4. We make sure we’re not talking gibberish.

There’s no room for misunderstanding in our research – that’s why localization is a big part of our process. 

We translate surveys into local languages and work closely with translators and clients to ensure the resulting questions and copy fit the market context. This collaboration helps us get the details right and capture the true sentiments of consumers. 

Before we start testing, we test-drive our translation to check that we have come across crystal clear.

5. We check the data and voilà – it’s yours!

Once the data comes rolling in, we make sure it all makes sense. 

We analyze them, check for any devious trends or blind spots, and pinpoint key insights for you to focus on. You know, for when you just want to get to the nitty-gritty. 

After we finish the process, the data is all yours to enjoy. Just fire up Behavio and everything awaits you in the dashboard.

You can explore:

  • an overview of your brand
  • key associations with your brand and your competitors
  • emotions your brand elicits in consumers
  • your performance with brand buyers and category buyers
  • a timeline of how the metrics have changed over time
Brand tracking is an essential tool in growing a brand and understanding its performance.

Don’t worry though, you’re not left alone with all of these numbers (unless you like to enjoy your data privately in peace, we get it). 

Should any questions arise as you sift through the insights, we’re standing by to help! 💙

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can be your advantage over the competition.

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