Good Angel: „We've checked to see if our campaign is paying off“


As a rule, non-profit organizations cannot afford to throw money out the window. The Good Angel Foundation wanted to see if its advertising campaign was having an effect.

Reklama nadace Dobrý anděl


Good Angels


of donated families per month

2,5 billion CZK

distributed among those in need

Source: Good Angel – Aid in numbers.. Data as of 31.10.2023


Good Angel’s primary mission is to provide financial support and assistance to families with children facing serious illnesses.

It regularly promotes its services to raise money, awareness and further expand its network of thousands of donors who call themselves Good Angels.


Since Good Angel is a charitable foundation, its marketing budget is quite naturally limited. To ensure they aren’t wasting money, Good Angel’s team put their latest campaign to the test – a 30-second TV ad and a static visual for digital or social media.


Both ads have elicited an overwhelmingly positive emotional response from their viewers. The video, however, lacked recognizable branding when the emotions peaked, therefore dampening the ad’s impact. A similar issue plagued the static image – people loved it but couldn’t recall its message well.


Through Key Insight, Behavio offered concrete improvements to maximize the ad campaign’s potential. Some of these were as simple as “include an angel in the first half of the video, to connect its message to your brand better”.


The Good Angel team used these findings in subsequent strategic planning. They maintained their strong brand support and further increased its visibility, logo included. The foundation also focused on inciting positive emotions in their donors through all communication channels, mainly TV commercials.

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Zuzana Vítková

Marketing & PR

Logo Dobrý anděl

We really appreciate the friendly and efficient cooperation with Behavio. The analysis results will help us get a better and more detailed understanding of our brand perception and communication efficency. It also brings valuable insight to further strategic planning of our communication and marketing activities.

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