Radegast + Triad: "Concept testing helped us move forward.“

The European brewery Radegast aimed to convey its commitment to water conservation in its beer production to customers. To ensure the effectiveness of this message, the brewery collaborated with Behavio to test their campaign concept.

Behavio helped with
Concept Test
In this article:

"Behavio Platform offers a simple and efficient way to test concepts. It helped us move forward at just the right time."

Daniel W.
Account Manager


In its communication, Radegast has consistently emphasized the importance of mindful water usage, supporting projects focused on water retention in the environment. In late 2022, under the guidance of the Triad agency, the brewery prepared a continuation of their campaign on this theme.

Pain Point

Both the client and agency wanted to guarantee that the campaign’s resources would be utilized effectively. They sought assurance that the campaign’s message was clear and compelling before moving forward with a full launch.

Behavio's Insight

Behavio tested the campaign concept using a structured template, incorporating visuals to illustrate the core message. Within days, the brewery team received comprehensive results:

  • 53% of participants understood the message that the brewery conserves water during beer production.
  • 69% of respondents reported positive emotions toward the concept, increasing its memorability.

However, the concept showed only moderate alignment with the brand, leading to specific recommendations to strengthen this connection.


The concept scored above average overall. After incorporating minor adjustments suggested by Behavio, the client and agency successfully launched the campaign.

Jedna z finálních variant kampaně agentury Triad a pivovaru Radegast o šetření vody při výrobě piva.
The final creative which launched on the Czech market

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