Decathlon: „Thanks to data, we know how to improve branding next time.“


Post-testing showed that the nature and fishing theme in the ads was a catch. But better branding in critical parts of the videos could have made the impact much higher.

Lidé na výletě v reklamě značky Decathlon


sporting goods retailer in the world


stores in
60 countries

12 billion USD

per year


The French-based company has been synonymous with affordable but quality sporting goods. As part of the brand’s new strategy, they focused on camping and boating equipment.


Decathlon team wanted to know if their two new television ads had any impact on their brand salience and get diagnostics and learnings for their next campaign.


Brand salience increased as ads were performing exceptionally in both building up attention and linking the brand to the important need of the target audience – spending time in nature. The ads, however, haven’t reached their full potential, because clear brand cues were missing at the top moments of the ads.


Decathlon knew the exact impact of their campaign on their brand salience, a key figure to estimate their long-term return on advertising spend. Also, they knew what to focus on in the creative development of their next campaign to get even better performance.

Behavio's clear and concise dashboards

You're included! Ad testing is now available for everyone.

Test your ad before it airs and let your brand become the star of the commercial break.

Martina Melicherová

Communication Director

We needed to check effectiveness of our TV ads. Thanks to Behavio Platform, we can identify scenes that positively affects emotions, and which lack the emotional representation on the contrary. We find out where to reinforce brand connection and where to improve display of the key purchase needs. I would like to recommend it to everyone who deals with the effectiveness of TV ads.

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